Tag Archives: John Madison

Unfinished Business

Last weekend I taught my first official painting workshop.  This was a bit different than the six week classes I’ve been teaching at the McLean County Art Center back in my home town. The latter is geared for beginners so I go through a lot of details on materials, techniques and hands on guidance. My one day workshop was very accelerated in comparison.  I arrived ready to paint and narrated my process from the first brushstroke and kept engaged throughout the entire days worth of painting.  In short I tried to explain the method to the madness of how I paint.

So I drove down to Sullivan IL, a little farm community just north of lake Shelbyville and started in on a 16″ x 20″ glass demo. There were ten to twelve people in attendance from the Sullivan Art Club.  The challenge was trying to get through an entire painting in six hours. I didn’t think I could do it and by 3:00 PM I finished about half of it. I’ll need to find a better balance  that will allow me to finish a painting in a day that is large enough to use as a good demonstration piece.  Glass is always one of the more complex subjects I paint, and rushing does it no justice.

I had a lot of fun doing this and could see myself doing more workshops. I really enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and meeting other artists.  It’s flattering to get painting demonstration requests, especially by my peers. I have to pinch myself at times to accept that I have come a long way in the medium in the handful of years I’ve been painting, I guess being asked to teach is a reflection of that progress.

The Sullivan Art Club has a great dedicated membership and I enjoyed my day with them. I was asked to return in May to do another Saturday workshop. I gladly accepted and hopefully the weather will be warm enough by then so I can take the soft top off my car and enjoy the sun and drive along Illinois’ country roads.

Very early stage of glass painting demonstration

Inset of my fist workshop demo
Inset of my first glass workshop demo

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